Juniya Sankara

Diablo 4 logo

How to install Diablo 4 for PC

Download Diablo 4 for Windows 11 and experience the latest chapter in the iconic action RPG series. With stunning graphics, refined gameplay, and endless character customization options, Diablo 4 offers an exciting adventure for both new and returning players. Choose your path, slay demons, and explore a world full of treasures and challenges.

Minecraft legends official header

How to install Minecraft Legends on PC

Discover Minecraft Legends for Windows 11, an action-strategy game that combines Minecraft’s charm with new, strategic gameplay. Lead allies, defend villages, and explore a vast world in this fresh adventure from the creators of Minecraft and Forza Horizon 5.

Azure cognitive search logo

Azure Cognitive Search

Azure Cognitive Search is a cloud service offering infrastructure, APIs & tools for search experiences in web, mobile & enterprise apps with Ai.