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FTP Commands for Windows 10

FTP Commands for Windows 10 photoFTP Commands for Windows 10

Hello everyone, on this page you will find a list of FTP commands that are useful for Windows, especially if you are using Windows 10. These commands will work for earlier versions including Windows 8.1 and of course, Windows 7. I still highly suggest you upgrade to Windows 10 if you have been debating to or not.

What is FTP?

FTP (File Transfer Protocol) is a standard network protocol used to transfer files to and from a remote network. It makes it very convenient to transfer large files or multiple files at once, especially if you are using a GUI enabled FTP client. Most of you will use a desktop FTP client(FileZilla) to connect to the remote server and download or upload files. However a lot of you still prefer to use command line on your ftp.

How to connect to remote FTP Address

If you want to to open an ftp connection to a remote server/computer/network, you must type the “ftp” command followed by the remote server IP address or domain name. For example, to connect to an FTP server at “” you would type:


If you wanted to connect to a domain name, example, “”, you would then type:


List of Common FTP Commands

On this list you will find some very common ftp commands that might most of you will find useful sooner or later. Some of them are for basic functions and some of them have multiple functions depending on how they are used.

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