Get a Sneak Peek of Windows 11’s Latest Update Today!


Key Points:

• Windows 11 Insider Preview Build 27802 is now available in the Canary Channel.
• New battery iconography updates, including colored icons to indicate charging states, simplified overlays, and an option to show battery percentage.
• New features include the ability to share files from the taskbar, and changes to the Spotlight icon interaction model.

Main Story:

Microsoft has released Windows 11 Insider Preview Build 27802 to the Canary Channel, which is part of the testing phase of Windows development. As part of this build, Microsoft has introduced a range of new features and improvements to Windows 11.

One of the most significant changes is the new battery iconography, which now features colored icons to indicate charging states, such as green for a fully charged battery, yellow for energy-saving mode, and red for a critically low battery. The new icons are designed to be more intuitive and provide a quick glance at a PC’s battery status.

Other updates include the ability to share files directly from the taskbar, as well as changes to the Spotlight icon interaction model, which allows users to easily discover more information about their desktop background image by hovering over or clicking on the "Learn about this picture" icon.

In addition to these new features, Microsoft has also fixed a range of issues, including bugs related to the taskbar, system tray, and file explorer. The company has also addressed issues with the audio, remote desktop, and administrator protection.

However, Microsoft has also identified some known issues, including a bugcheck when using the Roblox game, printing from some apps, and an issue with the new battery icon layout. The company is working to resolve these issues and will provide further updates as needed.

Reminders for Windows Insiders:

  • The Canary Channel builds are intended to represent the latest platform changes early in the development cycle and may not be suitable for everyday use.
  • Features and experiences may change over time, be removed, or replaced, and may not be released to the general public.
  • Some features may show up in future Windows releases when they’re ready.
  • To get off the Canary Channel, a clean install of Windows 11 is required.

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